See us at booth 4304!

Come visit our booth, say hello, and find out more about Youth on the Air!  We're in the Volta building in the area formerly called "Ham Radio 2.0" (not the podcast).

In addition, behind our booth we have a small meeting area (booth 4303) where mini-forums will be offered on Friday and Saturday in cooperation with HamSCI, ARISS, and other educational and youth oriented groups.  Check the schedule below!

Booth Talks

Booth talks include both HamSCI and Youth on the Air Talks and will take place at Booth 4303 in the Volta Building.

Friday Booth Talks

Friday, May 17, 2024 Group Title Presenter Organization Home QTH
10:00 AM Ham TV from ISS Randy Berger, WAØD ARISS-USA Keller, TX
11:00 AM MUF Observations Using Personal Space Weather Stations Gary Mikitin AF8A HamSCI Cleveland, OH
12:00 PM Youth Social Hour YOTA Team Youth on the Air Americas
1:00 PM Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances with SuperDARN Radars JP Fox KE2ANL University of Scranton Scranton, PA
2:00 PM ARISS 2.0 Education: STEREO/SPARKI and STAR Tanya Anderson, KD9BQZ ARISS-USA Lisle, IL
3:00 PM Ionospheric Science Using AM Broadcast Signals David McGaw N1HAC Dartmouth College Hanover, NH

Saturday Booth Talks

Saturday, May 18, 2024 Group Title Presenter Organization Home QTH
10:00 AM How to Develop a Winning ARISS Contact Proposal Tanya Anderson, KD9BQZ ARISS-USA Lisle, IL
11:00 AM In-Depth: WSPRDaemon, KA9Q Radio, and the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station Rob Robinette AI6VN, Paul Elliott WB6CXC HamSCI Half Moon Bay, Occidental CA
12:00 PM Youth Social Hour YOTA Team Youth on the Air Americas
1:00 PM KA9Q Radio: Software Defined Radio System Phil Karn KA9Q ARDC San Diego, CA
2:00 PM Amateur Radio Demo of Lunar Operations Randy Berger, WAØD ARISS-USA Keller, TX