Coming Soon! Youth Contesting Program

The Youth Contesting Program (YCP) is a weekend program for groups of young amateur radio contesters throughout the US and Canada to meet up at a nearby-as-possible “big gun stations” during a contest with the intention of enabling a new dimension of the hobby to young hams who have contested a little before, and set a new precedent for the welcoming of a new generation of radiosport aficionados.

It works like this – we will attempt to pair a small group (up to 4) of young contesters interested in operating with a “big gun” station owner interested in hosting the youth group. The contesters will operate from the station, and the host has the option to help the youth improve their skills, provide advice, and even operate alongside. As such, this will require the participation of as many operators and hosts as possible, but it might so happen that a valid match may not exist. We will try our best and work to make this a better program in the future!

YCP is inspired by the efforts of YOTA R1’s YCP, as well as Team Exuberance and we hope to inspire a big chunk of young hams into becoming the greatest contesters of the 21st century.


If you’re a young ham (or know a young ham) under age 26 or so with at least a little bit of contesting experience, and you’d be interested in spending a contest at a contest-grade ham radio station, OR if you’re the owner of such a station, sign up at the Google form here:  <LINK TO GOOGLE FORM COMING SOON>

Additionally, if you would like to travel to an exotic distination for a contest, some station owners have opened their doors for young hams:

St. Lucia:  Team J62K is excited about promoting the YOTA (Youth on the Air) program. They are looking for young team players that are hams from the age of 18-30 for a “first time” experience operating in a Multi category environment. Applications are now closed, please check back for updates!

Honduras:  HQ9X – CQWW SSB - Age 18-25 – Apply with W4IPC


YCP is managed by Grace Papay, K8LG and Connor Black, W4IPC.